Originally Posted by kurty[B]
The fire department, police department, emergency medical services, and the military are more concerned about doing their job, "saving lives", and treating people more than the objects you possess, the double-paned windows you own, or the gucci clothes you're wearing.
Plus, as was quoted above, there are a myriad of reasons for venting the home- for their safety, for the safety of people in nearby homes, and to minimize fire spread and smoke damage.
I'm just curious why the tone of the opening post was one of scorn, rather than curiosity, when nothing about the purpose behind the procedures was known. That'd be like someone asking me, "why are you stabbing my mom in the arm with a needle?" when I was starting an IV line for fluids or medication.
It sounded like you assumed they were doing damage on purpose, or being reckless, why is that?