Originally Posted by Fast Forward
Anyway, last week Teal’c (you know: the guy with a logo imbedded into his forehead) and crew went back to his home planet where he (a black man) is a minority. Low and behold he ran into his distraught wife and child – also black.
That his wife might be anything other than black is something that the American prime-time TV producer would probably not dare risk his career over.
And if people from another world were to have visited the U.S. prior to, say, the 1950's, God knows what they would have thought. "Every person is with someone of the same color. They must be unable to breed together." Shit, right now there are big news stories about the "honor killings" of women who were found in relationships with men outside their religion. Even here, sharing the same planet, we find that barbaric and terrible.
I'm just saying- from a purely "this is supposed to have happened on another planet" perspective, you have no idea what the racial lines are like there. Also, if his race is really a small minority there, then there's even less chance that the minority is, on average, found in interracial couples.
Short version: I have no idea why you'd even think to take something as simple as a casting choice of a fictional alien being on a science fiction/fantasy TV show and blow it up into American television racial segregation. That's a huge leap to make, and fairly asinine.
And yes, it always seemed like you had zeroed in on, and were specifically addressing, this one specific series and episode. Enough back-peddling.