Originally Posted by dksuddeth
or the pro-police state no private property rights rant?
I don't want to hear that rant, either. Just because I don't agree with an "anti-police militia rant" doesn't mean I agree with the polar opposite.
I agree with you on most terms, really, I just don't share the full breadth of your fervor, your penchant for militia, or your overall paranoia that the government is out to get me, take my guns, rape and kill my family (not necessarily in that order), and take away my property rights while burning an American flag with the constitution stapled to it and kicking a puppy.
Apart from that, we're pretty much in the same camp. Not a militia camp, mind you, but a figurative camp.
Also: my apologies to push-pull for coming in to this thread and dropping off a snarky one-liner that did nothing for the discussion. Having said that, I stand behind the one-liner anyway.