Originally Posted by willravel
Your explaining how you killed an innocent person because you were incapable of defending your house without a deadly weapons is... temerity?
NO. My statement concerning 'temerity' is how your anti-self defense politician or AG is going to spin it. In OTHER situations, where subjects act like obedient little sheep, the 'criminal' gets tried for any and all deaths as a result of his criminal act. It should also apply if said criminal invades your home and your neighbors death is a result of it.
Originally Posted by willravel
You know that temerity means "recklessness", right?
of course, which is why my context of its usage was based on someone like chuck schumers statement.
Originally Posted by willravel
And what if your neighbors shoot back in clearly necessary self defense? How many people are you willing to put at risk because you're sure that Johnny Robber is there to rape and murder instead of make off with your shitty TV?
I guess I could take it on faith that my tv is all they wanted, then apologize to my daughter after 14 hours of sodomy by saying 'I thought they were just going to take the tv baby.'