there is a real problem with this management literature notion of "leadership" that gets mapped onto politics in a psuedo-democratic system like the american. you can use it to rationalize the profoundly dismal performance of the bush administration for example by making a virtue of what by any rational standard is a problem in the refusal to acknowledge reality that does not fit with one's ideological preconceptions. you can use it to imagine this range of mediocrities as offering the system as a way out of the afterburn of the 7 profoundly dismal years of wholesale incompetence that we still endure, without a peep. it seems to me that any such cult of the leader is entirely out of phase with any relation, even remote, to a democratic process. not only that, but it appears infantile, like we are waiting for daddy to save us and daddy only visits on television.
as for the op, the corporate sector is quite big in the states--if you figure in shareholders (as you should) it designates an entire social class that has no particular understanding of its own class interests--so it is divided, with different groups aligning with different of the interchangeable centrist non-entities that are currently designated the "front-runners"---so it is a bit ridiculous to claim that hillary clinton in particular is in the pocket of corporate interests--you could attach it to almost all of the rational candidates (leaving ron paul to the side thereby)...for example, if you think that the bush people are not beholden to a faction within the american corporate sector, you're dreaming--but not all elements within the corporate sector understand neoliberalism as even sane, much less good for bidness, so there is a diversity of streams of corporate money animating this puppet show brought to you by cnn. but the underpinning of the "coverage" of this puppet show is entirely flows of corporate money at this point--the purpose of the show is to encourage you, the insignificant viewer, to identify your interests with one or another stream of corporate dollars. this is an index of the way in which the american polity is politically "free."
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite