First of all, let me start by saying I'm mad as hell. Last year, I gave my wife a new washer/dryer set. One of the newer front-loader types.
The washer has this rubber/synthetic type material that makes the seal between the door, and the washer drum so the water wont leak out. There are lots of nooks and crannies in that seal, as its somewhat ribbed (for her pleasure

) Anyways, these nooks and crannies do not dry out, and now have mildewed, causing a pretty wicked smell. We've Lysol-ed the fucker, scrubbed it, and done everything we can think of to get rid of the mildew smell, all to no avail. It seems to have permeated the seal somehow.
Any suggestions would be appreciated from those of you who might have run into this same problem. Its a serious design flaw, IMO. And I'm a bit tweaked over it.