I want to get a santa outfit, and in future years show up at the mother of my child's house late late late on Christmas Eve (after my boy goes to sleep) and drop off presents. If he doesn't wake up, so be it, if he happens to stumble downstairs he'll find Santa Clauss (who oddly has eyes similar to daddy) and I'll have to come up with exactly what Santa will have to say to him (aside from go back to sleep). Hopefully, I will be more than welcome to stay, and see my boy come out and see all the new toys that arrived the night before (and maybe tell me a story about his run in with Santa).
At some point, he'll find out Santa is really his dad just driving or flying across the state, or across the country to be deliver presents and spend Christmas with his son. I'd like to keep it a tradition even after he knows, maybe he'll have half-brothers and sisters he can enjoy "keeping the secret" from at that point.
In the Absence of Information People Make Things Up.