Yeah, I think Martian has a point... perhaps you're thinking about it too much and trying too hard?
For me, flirting is a state of mind rather than a conscious, scripted effort. Having the upper-hand in the relationship makes a huge difference... it is much easier to flirt with girls who are chasing you than to flirt with girls who you are chasing. It took me a long time to be able to have the discipline and confidence to hold back enough with girls I really liked... usually I would chase them and end up in the friend zone.
Basically, keep them at an arm's length, so to speak... be honest and open, but never fully explain yourself. Don't always be the one who makes contact or tries to make plans. And when you're together in person, don't feel like you have to be talking all the time... it actually shows a lot of confidence if you can just sit quietly and not feel awkward about it.
"Tie yourself to your limitless potential, rather than your limiting past."
"Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him."