Originally Posted by Journeyman
I don't know about this "Gotta have it right now" assumption, but I am pretty pissed off that I haven't seen a Wii in stock at any one of 4 stores that are supposed to carry it in the 7 months I've been home. Christmas is coming up and I don't think I'ma be able to find my 15 year old brother a Wii because Joe Capitalist thinks he deserves a cut of somebody elses pie.
You can look on craigslist (
www.craigslist.org - click on your area and look under electronics or games) or try eBay (
www.ebay.com ). You can get in time for Christmas - sorry, Winter Holidays if you are willing to pay for express shipping. Or do as the article suggested and do your own research and legwork. Good luck man.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
You think Bill got where he is by giving money to his competitors?
Wait, do you really think Bill Gates would have an iPhone? Maybe an iWindows or something....
With speculators, the market will correct itself like it is now or at least should be doing but the government keeps interfering.