bad on the terminology.
You're right regarding the NIE's for the Intel Committees, but not Congress as a whole. The didacted intel that was shared with Congress was incomplete and intentionally one-sided.
Is that how you want your member of Congress to vote on taking the country to war?
I mistakenly referred to NIEs. I meant the Presidential Daily Briefings (PDBs) which provided daily intel updates between the NIEs. These were never shared, even in summary, and according to some "leaks" from within the National Security Council and from Colin Powell's office (after the fact), undercut Bush's public statements. We would know with more certainty (and we have a right to know), if the Republican members of the Senate Intel Committee would would not continue to block the release of the full Phase II report on pre-war intel.
Otto, any response to the rest of my earlier post?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
IMO, Bush/Cheny are so ideologically driven that they continue to mislead the public and Congress in order to see their agenda through, right or wrong, whether its supported by intel and the facts or not. The rhetoric coming out of the WH about Iran for months, in light of the the recent NIE, is only the latest example.
The level of secrecy that this WH has imposed, the attempts to eviscerate a co-equal branch of the federal goverment, the cover-ups of potentially illegal action by various executive branch agenies, etc all are unprecedented in my lifetime.
Do you think the country is best served by such ideologues.