Otto, I would agree that both parties are complicit to some degree in the initial decision to invade Iraq, but the facts are indisputable that Bush withheld valuable intel from Congress prior to their vote on the Iraq resolution. I dont know that such action is impeachable in and of itself, but IMO, it is immoral.
Where we differ, I guess, is that I dont see anything wrong with the fact that many who supported it (with less than full access to all the intel) are now opposed. I would hope and expect political leaders to be open-minded enough to evaluate and process new intel as it becomes available, the facts on the ground and the impact on our military capacity and readiness to face other potential threats, the cost/benefits of "staying the course".
IMO, Bush/Cheny are so ideologically driven that they continue to mislead the public and Congress in order to see their agenda through, right or wrong, whether its supported by intel and the facts or not. The rhetoric coming out of the WH about Iran for months, in light of the the recent NIE, is only the latest example.
The level of secrecy that this WH has imposed, the attempts to eviscerate a co-equal branch of the federal goverment, the cover-ups of potentially illegal action by various executive branch agenies, etc all are unprecedented in my lifetime.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 12-16-2007 at 08:37 PM..