Originally Posted by Ustwo
I love doom and gloom when its not based on reality.
This is not doom nor gloom; it's beef prices. But the reality is another thing.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
We have genetically and hormonally enhanced beef already, creating greater and tasty yields per cow.
Yes, and I heard they are lead by the illustrious Diseazus: King of the Funky Beef.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Try driving from NY to CA, most of the land is empty and fine for grazing. The US is not very heavily populated. The true agricultural potential of the US hasn't been unleashed, mostly because its not profitable to do so at this time .
I believe the U.S. is not currently using around 15% of its total land (land that is arable). But it will soon be profitable to grow corn for ethanol as you state here:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Prices will go up, ethanol fuel is already starting it (grain to feed cars doesn't feed cattle), but I don't foresee it becoming a rich mans food.
Do you know how much of this land is being eyed up for cornfields? And it isn't just the land, other economic factors are at play. Also, as the U.S. population increases, the amount of its arable land decreases. This means food demand is increasing, while the finite capacity to produce it locally is decreasing. America isn't known for being smart about building its urban areas. Sprawl is an issue that will eat up this valuable food-producing land. Farmland is being paved over with urban areas all the time. You can't do this indefinitely, and you cannot expect it won't affect food supply and prices.