Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In the future, only lawyers, dentists, and other rich folk will be able to eat this. The cost of beef will go through the roof like oil will. It will be a true luxury soon enough. There is only so much land, and so many people.
Ustwo.... you lucky, lucky man.
I love doom and gloom when its not based on reality.
We have genetically and hormonally enhanced beef already, creating greater and tasty yields per cow.
Try driving from NY to CA, most of the land is empty and fine for grazing. The US is not very heavily populated. The true agricultural potential of the US hasn't been unleashed, mostly because its not profitable to do so
at this time .
Prices will go up, ethanol fuel is already starting it (grain to feed cars doesn't feed cattle), but I don't foresee it becoming a rich mans food.