Originally Posted by Shauk
I think the face that you are all capable of citing plenty of examples of mass amounts of death just goes to show that this never forget nonsense doesn't do anything. Even if I never forget this, or 9/11, or jews in ovens, or, or, or.. etc...
there will be another one around the corner that happens in the future that i"m not supposed to forget either.
It does nothing.
Like hell, you can't even bring up genetic consoling without someone calling it Nazi like eugenics.
Until we start having genocides again in the developed democracies you really can't be sure not matter how strongly you state it.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
The main difference between the Nazi Final Solution and any other event that resulted in mass murder, including Nanjing, is not just the ideology, though that is key. The main difference is that the Nazi's industrialized it.
You can point to ethnic cleansing, mass torture, experimentation, etc. All of these things are shared between the Nazi's and other mass murderers. But when you add in the fact that they took the industrial assembly line and made it into an massive, rationalized killing machine... you have a unique event.
Only in method, genocide is genocide, be it Soviet starvations or Nazi camps.
I think it was more circumstantial then anything else. In Europe with the population they wanted to eliminate, they had to round up into camps, and they used the most efficient method of killing while getting some use out of them.