^ careful or you might create a virtual black hole!
c Compile options needed: -Ox
c The following program will output in an infinite loop:
include 'fgraph.fi'
include 'fgraph.fd'
INTEGER*2 status, npts
RECORD / wxycoord / wxyarr(3)
status = setvideomode(18)
do it=1,2
write (*,'(i4\)') it
wxyarr(1).wx = 43.d0
wxyarr(1).wy = 85.d0
wxyarr(2).wx = 50.d0
wxyarr(2).wy = 71.d0
wxyarr(3).wx = 45.d0
wxyarr(3).wy = 85.d0
npts = 3
status = POLYGON_W($GBORDER, wxyarr, npts)
Originally Posted by Zooksport2
...TO ME!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! What kind of anniversary?