I'd like to start by saying that everything about this news story is awesome, except that he has a modified choke when a home defense gun should really use a cylinder choke.
Second, you're insane if you think that you can do anything but look ridiculous trying to defend yourself with a sword, especially if it wasn't hand made for combat by a professional. There have been a few cases over the years of people trying to fight with display swords, the kind you get on home shopping networks, or at the Chinese novelty store at the mall, or at the Remington store before they closed, or from catalogs, you get the idea. All of those people ended up in critical condition or dead.
Next, whose fault is it if a neighbor is shot accidentally? It is the intruder's fault that you had to shoot, the intruder's actions put you under stress and caused you to not fire the gun to the best of your ability, and therefore it is the intruder's fault that someone else is dead. If a cop accidentally kills a bystander in a shootout with a bank robber, the robbers are held responsible for creating the situation, and civilians acting in legitimate self defense should be given equal treatment. Unless there is irrefutable evidence of gross negligence, someone acting in legitimate self defense should suffer no punishment beyond the psychological trauma of knowing that they killed an innocent person.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Sucks, seems like all the laws favor criminals.
If a burglar hurts himself while trying to rob your house he can sue you now.
Crazy world....
This is a myth.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
The UK has more violent crime per capita than the US, and a lower murder rate (and much more restricted gun ownership)
I once again feel it's necessary to point out that a significant portion of homicide in the US, as well as the "facts" that you're most likely to be killed by someone you know and that children (arbitrarily defined as people under age 24 in the reports,) are based on statistics that are skewed by gang violence. If you remove instances of gang members killing other gang members from the statistics, our violent crime rate plunges dramatically.
Originally Posted by ays
You know, I think that if all firearms were taken away, there would probably be a lower murder rate. And this is simply because it would be much harder to kill someone.
If they all disappeared, yeah. Unfortunately, the only people who would let them be taken away are lawful owners.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
The sunglasses in your avatar kill me.
But what's really dead is Chuck Norris jokes. As for the sunglasses, here's one of me.