Originally Posted by Banshee
My hubby had to get a blood test done the other day. He has been having some anxiety issues and the doc wanted to run some tests to see if his thyroid was working properly etc.. He got his results back yesterday and everything was good except his blood sugar level was a tad bit higher than it should be. So I am assuming mine would be as well, since we eat the same things.
Do any of you folks know how we can get his blood sugar levels down? The nurse only told him to cut out white things. Great! Thats just about everything we eat!!! I tried to google it but just got results for people with diabetes and that doesn't fit the bill. He hates veggies and I know fruits have a lot of sugars in them as well, i'm sure everyone will tell me he needs to eat more of those, but he won't coz he hates them except green beans and corn.
I was jut told that you should fast before any blood tests are done, is this true? If so, hubby didn't fast, wasn't told to fast and had coffee and a donut before he went in. Could that have made his results a little higher?
Any advice would be great!!!
I was watching this episode of Oprah and they were talking about this revolutionary new weight loss breakthrough. They had several overweight test subjects begin a diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, grains and plenty water combined with daily exercise and you would not believe the results! The test subjects actually lost weight and improved their health!
I'm just going to be straight up with you. Our bodies are supposed to be eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water. Meat wouldn't be AS bad if all the mass-production practices weren't so rough. You know how they say emotional health affects physical well being? Well, you have these terrified animals living in horrible conditions and it affects their meat. Then you have the farmers grinding up old animal parts and feeding it back to the livestock. And you're eating that!
Then you add all the refined foods out there, the junk food, and the massive amounts of preservatives and your body is taking quite a beating
And to make matters even worse you throw all of that into a Radiation-blaster microwave, take all these supplements, vitamins, and medications and drink coca-cola and jack daniels.
And maybe exercise once a week.
I know I've gone a bit to the extreme, but I don't think there is any short-cut to living a healthy life.
You have to make healthy choices on a daily basis. There are no substitutes to eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
And I'm not saying I don't eat meat, enjoy ice cream, eat a whole bag of cheetos, or love a jack and coke. The key is moderation.
Eat when you're hungry. It's best to eat smaller meals throughout the day.
Nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, oatmeal, anything natural.
When foods have been processed, it loses it's nutritional value. Fresh is the best.
Avoid refined salt, sugar, white bread, anything with preservatives. Try to avoid plastic as much as possible.
EXERCISE. Get out there and run around, do some pushups, stretch, climb trees, jump and bounce, and roll on the ground. Be ACTIVE
AND BREATHE. take deep breaths, breath slow. BREATH IN THAT LIFE! Shallow breathing can cause an abundance of problems.
And just some other FYIs - Avoid chemicals as much as possible, shampoos and conditioners, lotions, soaps, hairspray, cosmetics, whatever.
These are all just recommendations. It's obvious that you can't keep all the toxic and harmful stuff out. But I think above all else, just enjoy your life and have a good time.
Much Love