It was easter sunday, around 11:00 PM, I was a Jr. in high school. I had my boy friend over watching a movie. I was getting ready to take him home when i heard this loud BOOM! I looked out the window, didn't see anything and went back to finish the movie. About 5-10 min later i hear this cop knock at the door and ran to get it, it was my neighbor wanting to tell me that my car was on fire
I ran out the door and sure as shit, my little yellow '87 chevy chevette named Stanley was in flames, engulfed in flames. The loud boom we heard was my front passenger side tire exploding. No one knows why it 'blew up'. It was sitting since 7:30 PM in the same spot. It took the fire department 45 min to get there, by then we had it out with a garden hose.