Originally Posted by dc_dux
Yesterday, On party line vote of 222-199, the House passed the Intelligence Authorization for FY 2008 with three important provisions: It prohibits the intelligence agencies (and contractors) from using interrogation techniques (ie waterboarding and others) that do not comply with the Army Field Manual prohibitions against torture
It creates a statutory, Senate-confirmed Intelligence Community Inspector General with the authority to inspect, audit and investigate activities across the intelligence community.
It requires Senate confirmation for the first time of two agency heads - the National Reconnaissance Office, which manages the nation's spy satellites, and the National Security Agency, which conducts warrantless wiretapping on American phone and computer lines in what the White House calls the Terrorist Surveillance Program.
Bush quickly threatened to veto because of these provisions, among others.
'dux...it is increasingly difficult to tell if the "gang of the 199" are the bigger sycophants of our "War prezzdent", or if the press corps are.
(RE:...the last quote box in my immediately preceding post here..)
I started "the ball" rolling, yesterday, in this post:
....I just did the following, and considering the information contained in the timeline, if it is all accurate, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't...please point me to contrary info of the same or similar standing, what I did is reasonable. Can the same be said for the last sentence in your post?
<h3>I just sent this email to ABC News:....</h3>
....and, after reading this:
Exclusive: Inside the White House
ABC News' Martha Raddatz Spends a Day in the Life With President Bush
Long before much of Washington, D.C., came to life this morning, ABC News got a glimpse of the president few ever see. In the darkness, President Bush stopped to toss a few balls to his dog, Barney, on his short walk from the White House residence to the Oval Office. "Coming with me, Barney?" he asked his Scottish terrier. Just after 6:30 a.m., Bush was in the Oval Office, reviewing overnight intelligence, signing a few photographs and putting the final touches on a speech. At 7:30...
<center><img src="http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/ABC_BUSH_RADDATZ_SERIOUS_INTV_071211_mn.jpg"><br><i>ABC News' Chief White House correspondent Martha Raddatz interviews President Bush for an exclusive ABC News report. (ABCNews)</i></center>
(Is it just me...or is he looking more and more "Nixonian" in his demeanor?)
I followed up on the email that I sent to Brian Ross's investigative "team" at ABC news, by posting this at the "comments" section that followed the assault on my senses "by Martha Raddatz" in her "day in the life". She should have been broadcasting from a former US president's cell in the Hague, not from the white house:
I am concerned that ABC news and Martha Raddatz have made a deliberate decision to pursue "access" to Bush, a president who clearly has pursued "aggressive war", illegal under the standards described by SCOTUS Justice and Chief Nuremberg prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson, by Bush's policy of invading and occupying Iraq, a sovereign nation that did not attack the US.How else can Raddatz and ABC explain how they proceeded from this:
Bush Calls Off Attack on Poison Gas LabCalls Off Operation to Take Out Al Qaeda-Sponsored Poison Gas Lab<br>By John McWethyW A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 20 (2002)<br>President Bush called off a planned covert raid into northern Iraq late last week that was aimed at a small group of al Qaedaoperatives who U.S. intelligence officials believed were experimenting with poison gas and deadly toxins, according toadministration officials........<br><p>and this:<br>http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/relea...0060915-2.html<br>Sept. 15, 2006......MARTHA: Mr. President, you have said throughout the war in Iraq and building up to the war in Iraq that there was a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi and al Qaeda.A Senate Intelligence Committee report a few weeks ago said there was no link, no relationship, and that the CIA knew this and issued a report last fall. And yet a month ago, you were still saying there was a relationship. Why did you keep saying that?Why do you continue to say that? And do you still believe that?BUSH: The point I was making to Ken Herman’s question was that Saddam Hussein was a state sponsor of terror,and that Mr. Zarqawi was in Iraq. He had been wounded in Afghanistan, had come to Iraq for treatment. He had ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen in Jordan.I never said there was an operational relationship..........<h3>Yet end up with an "exclusive access" "puff piece", instead of demanding Bush's resignation.</h3>