Originally posted by Craven Morehead
Ooops! I'm wrong. After a bit of googling the song was "I've got a feeling" Part by John and part by Paul. John's portion was from on unfinished song he had titled "Everyone had a hard year" Paul's was titled "I've got a feeling" Its easy to see how this song once was two.
Hot damn, you're right! That song is clearly a collaboration. And it reminds me that "Two Of Us" from the same album is also a certain collaboration. Good, good stuff.
Originally posted by Craven Morehead
I was watching SNL that night, back when everybody watched SNL. I remember all the rumors about the 'lads' getting back together in Rolling Stone and other forms of media. I remember all the clatter about Klaatu when they release their first album, supposedly the Beatles incognito. It messes with your mind to think what might have been, had they gotten back together.
All my friends bought the Klaatu stuff, but I missed it somehow. I guess I didn't really want it be true.
Originally posted by Craven Morehead
How many songs did the group record from 1962 to 1970? I have to admit I cheated, this was on the site I found on google.
You KNOW I can't answer this one without looking it up, so I'm conceding this one. More than 200? I think... Sneaky damn devil.