Originally Posted by Charlatan
You expect that something such as taking a life isn't newsworthy?
I didn't comment on self defense one way or the other.
I think we are talking about two different things then.
Originally Posted by JStrider
not to mention its expensive... lawyers and all that
and even if your acquitted in criminal court, any family that may turn up can sue you in civil court and theres no "beyond reasonable doubt" in that court...
You know, I was talking with my roomate about this last night actually (we were watching CSI). Like what would happen if our place was invaded and robbed (I live in LA, an extremely high risk area) and we tried to defend ourselves and shot back. But accidentally shoot our neighbor and she dies. I wanted to know if we would actually be charged with something and given our justice system, the criminals who invaded us would probably get off. Even if we were exonerated; the trials, lawyers, bad press, stress etc of it all would have to be too much. I didn't think it was worth it. I have called 911 so many times, each time, I either get an answering machine or a busy signal. I think it sucks we can't defend ourselves. The police can't help us and it's not their job to either. When they do come, they always say, there's nothing they can do about it blah blah blah.
I finally came up with: buy tons of insurance so that nothing you own is "irreplaceable". When the robbers come, let them have it, you will be insured, and pray that they won't get violent (that's the big x factor). Losing material items while it sucks, is at least manageable and replaceable. Bodily harm is another thing. Then when they leave, hope that karma will bite them in the ass (or pray). Sucks but the law is against you to defend yourself.