Originally Posted by Charlatan
It hasn't been forgotten over here in Asia. I think to suggest that it's been forgotten is a bit myopic.
I think it's more realistic to suggest that the West never really cared all that much about what the Japanese were up to beyond how it effected them. Why would they?
If there was a British, French or American base in Nanjing I am sure we would be well-read on this subject in the West. Here in Asia, where the Japanese invasion was something tangible, they don't forget.
I have co-workers who lived through the Japanese occupation, had parents shot by the Japanese secret police, etc. Back in Canada and the rest of the western world, this is just not as prevalent as say, survivors of the Nazi Holocaust.
Actually many "western" folk were affected by the Holocaust. British and US soldiers were forced into slavery camps and other concentration (death camps as well). Much in the way VW and other German companies were complicit in the other Holocaust in Europe, Mitsubishi etc were also heavily involved in running slavery and death camps. The main difference was, the Supreme Court made it illegal for American veterans to sue the Japanese for compensation out of cold war fears. The Japanese were basically forgiven for their genocide and Holocaust because we were afraid they would go over to the Russians. Throw in a little guilt for the atomic bombings (even though more civilians dies in the Dresden fire bombings) the of course this Holocaust would be silenced. We even harbored their war criminals (scientists) too like we did with the Germans. Many Dutch and European women were also forced into sexual slavery, as "comfort women" too. So please, don't call me myopic thank you. By the way, I did not make up the tag "Forgotten Holocaust". That's how it is called in the history books here in the US. Maybe not for you guys in Canada though.
I just thought this important piece of history would be interesting to a place like tfp but i predict this thread will quickly fall to the 2nd or 3rd page in less than a day.