Originally Posted by superposition
The original question was whether to send these articles.
No article can compare to what the troops see and hear in theater. The troops see the slow but steady progress in both Afghanistan and Iraq that the media fails to report. They also experience the frustration when progress is halted because suddenly the money stops.
Maybe you should listen to what he is saying on his blog (minus the hateful comments) - he knows what he is seeing with his own eyes.
When has the money ever stopped?
FY03 - $77 billion
FY04 - $72 billion
FY05 - $103 billion
FY06 - $117 billion
FY07 - $164 billion
FY08 - $188 billion (requested)
(The above figures are DoD war funding only; other war-related funding, like State Dept/AID, VA, not included)
Perhaps the frustration comes from lack of progress, a sense of futility, and no end in sight.