Originally Posted by filtherton
crompsin: So it's just a matter of keeping people from fucking?
As a guy who spent two tours overseas in an all-male unit where females (medics, support personnel) were rare creatures and invited over whenever possible to engage in consensual but illegal crotch-slamming... there is a good reason for our gender segregation. We'll fuck anything after about 6 months and it causes problems. Homosexuality could very well cause the same problems.
The military is made up of US citizens and some who aspire to be US citizens. There is your demographic for grading military professionalism.
Originally Posted by superposition
The military may be overwhelmingly conservative, but that is predominately fiscal conservatism with a big shot of foreign policy. On social issues military are extremely open minded. They live in foreign countries and marry foreigners - most military children are racially mixed. The army desegregated long before the rest of America did. Gay people have always been in the military, and the military probably would have dealt with the issue quietly and on its own terms if it hadn't had Don't Ask, Don't Tell rammed down its throat by the Clinton Administration. Truth be told, most military people don't care if there are gay people there and wouldn't do a damn thing about it if they didn't have to enforce Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
