I'll resurrect this thread to share a similar experience that happened to me last night. Now, I've had come-and-go sleep paralysis for years, thought it has always been far from textbook symptomatically. Anyway, it's been a good long time since my last episode, pry over 6 months, but I had an episode again last night. Despite the length of time since it last happened I wouldn't normally write anything down about it, but this was by far the most bizarre episode that has ever occurred.
First, I was in the middle of my nights sleep when it occurred. This is extremely asymptomatic, as sleep paralysis almost categorically sets in as one is drifting off to sleep or waking from it. This time, however, is was after about 3 hours of normal dream-state sleep and I was pulled from my dream into the state of paralysis. Well, as odd as that was, I gradually worked my way out of it and right as I was about to break out of it completely I woke up again! That's right, that sleep paralysis, which woke me from a dream, only woke me into another dream in which I was suffering from sleep paralysis. Even more odd though is that this waking also found me waking up 3 hours into my evening's sleep and into a state of sleep paralysis; this time a real one. While I gradually worked my way out of it again and got up. I found my way to a glass of water and then back to bed.
Now, I've had repeat instances of sleep paralysis before in which I would be drifting off, work out of it, and then have it hit me again as I was drifting off again. I've even woken from dreams into other dreams, though extremely rarely and never into a sleep paralysis state. Whatsmore, I've never double-woken into sleep paralysis twice! Anyway, I'm not necessarily making any paranormal claims just saying that this is the most abnormal case I've ever suffered of it and I remember that there were a few here on the board that occasionally experienced the phenomena as well, so I thought I'd share with you all and get your thoughts, if you have any that is.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751