This story scares me, and angers me. I have never had a good history with dogs. They bite me, bark loudly at me, scare me, hump me, and pee on me. Every dog I come in contact with does one of those damn things, so dogs are my mortal enemies. I'm not sure if there are other people who feel the same way about dogs as I do, but seeing a dog in a public place like inside a store freaks me out, even if they're on a leash, I don't trust dogs. I wish there was some way I could explain my fears to dog-lovers, because I try to tell them to keep their dog away from me, and they get offended! They don't understand: its not that its THEIR dog....its that it IS a dog that scares me, so please keep it far far away from me!
If I could make more people understand this, I'd be overjoyed.