Originally Posted by ottopilot
This plan has potential!
You should have no trouble finding well intentioned investors.
Should miscarriages and abortions be assessed differently?
Interestingly I had this conversation with a European friend of mine.
My contention was that an abortion or miscarriage would be the same as an empty womb completely as the end result was the same.
Hers was a bit different and perhaps superior.
In the case of an abortion, there is an active desire to help the planet, as such this should be worth more than someone who never has a child in the first place. It is an excellent way to award and encourage this practice, not having a child is just passive and might be coincidental, while abortion is a positive step to thwart this impending catastrophe. Her recommended carbon credit would be an additional 3/5ths of a child, so an abortion would be worth 3/5ths more.
Using the same logic a miscarriage would mean that one was irresponsibility trying to have a child, and it was only lucky happenstance that this desire was not achieved. She thought it would be ludicrous to reward such behavior, and recommended an infertility pay out of only 3/5ths what one who never conceived that year in the first place would achieve.
I applauded her logic but my fear was that it would be very hard to monitor who in fact had an abortion or who had a miscarriage. Might not those who miscarry pretend to have never conceived at all in order to receive full payment?
She was a bit puzzled by this and could not understand how this would be an issue. I suppose this sort of cultural ignorance is expected and we had a good laugh after we determined our point of ignorance, which was the archaic health care system we have had imposed upon us in the United States. While she assumed the government would have full records of ones health at their disposal, I assumed that many in the system would be seeing outside 'private' doctors, only interested in lining their pockets and not interested in sacrifice for the common good. It should be simple enough to rectify this problem in the coming years with a more enlightened administration forthcoming, and I withdrew my objections to her solution.