Originally Posted by willravel
And you knew about that because you googled him. Thanks wiki?
Even if he did...so what? This is, after all, the information age. This isn't a cock measuring contest, whereby the winner has the most useless knowledge crammed into his cranium.
Originally Posted by willravel
I've still never heard of him outside this thread. He's not an outspoken person about Islam.
Actually, you may recall...or not...that there was quite a bit of animosity stirred up over his choosing to be sworn in on the Koran, as opposed to the good old fashioned 'mericun Bible. So, quite a bit of attention was drawn to the fact of his being Muslim. I
guess you could call that outspoken. I recall the incident, and I'm old and feeble. Hell, there might even be a thread buried here somewhere about it. It
was news. Pointless news. But still news, nonetheless.