Originally Posted by skada
Don't make and break promises you made with yourself. Like "I will do this by Monday" and don't do it at all or keep it incomplete. Such kind of attitude will kill your self-integration.
Skada makes a great point here and brings to mind another crucial mindset.
It is inevitable that at some point, for some ludicrous or rationalized reason, you will break a self-promise, but don't allow yourself to fall into the self-deprecating pit. If this happens, just move on with the plan right away.
Anyone who's trying to follow a plan, whether it's a diet, a scholarly endeavor, career goals -- we hit a moment of weakness and begin to see ourselves as failures, so we sink into the same behaviors, thinking we just can't do it. This just isn't so. But it's difficult to learn when many of us have done this all our lives. Write it, say it, find a way. Put that indiscretion, whatever it may be, behind you and continue towards your goal or plan. Refuse to believe that you are a failure, no matter what.
You can do it!