Originally Posted by willravel
No, it confirms that the Iranian government is having growing pains. It's a strong government that is still very religious, possibly one of the last theocracies. When it eventually changes over to a democracy-esque system, and it will assuming it isn't destroyed by the west, these types of things will continue to be less common.
What one should be paying attention to, though, is that there are protestors in Iran. Tehran is a hotbed for protest and forward thinking. Many may not be aware of it, but there are tons of underground clubs in Tehran, drinking and drug use. These kids, though, will be adults soon. These liberal Muslim kids will be running Iran.
Underground kids drinking proves nothing. Even Afgans in mid 70s consumed alcohol (privately) and I don't see them liberated anyhow.
The condition of Iran is quite different they are quite modernized already. like fourth largest bloggers, extremely high women literacy (Women today compose more than half of the incoming classes for universities, are in army , in sports and have Womens' Movement) and it's classisfied as Semi-Developed Nation by UN. And even after this we see fundamentalism.