Originally Posted by jorgelito
Originally Posted by jorgelito
How would they know what a Muslim looks like?
1) Name on the passport or ID
2) Ghutra
3) Thobe
4) Taqiyah
5) Arab or Persian descent
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Muslims aren't a race, they are a religion and very diverse, like Judeaism. I think poor Hindus and Sihks get more grief at airports than Muslims.
I couldn't agree more.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Shaquille O'Neal is Muslim, Hedo Turkoglu, Tony Shaloub (of Monk fame), Paula Abdul, Shakira, Hakeen Alajawon, are all Muslim and they look nothing alike. Most of my Muslim friend dress in jeans and sneakers, wear make up have ipods etc. But some of their more extremist friends do wear the hijab, chador and keep themselves and are unfriendly.
To be fair, not all Muslims are in trouble at the airport, and Shaq is only in trouble because he probably needs the overhead bin removed. What I mean to say, though, is that if you show up in a burka or a thobe, you're far more likely to be checked. You may already be on a no fly list.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Will, this is interesting. We should totally open up another thread for this. You know the largest (or maybe second largest) group of bloggers is Iranians. I would say it's moderate educated Iranians that will have a chance at running Iran someday. We missed a great chance during the Clinton years when Khatami was in power. Clinton definitley messed that up, then paved the way for George Bush to totally mess it up.?
Don't you love reading informed posts? I just love it. You nailed this on the head. What I meant to say is that the Iranian equivalent to generation y is starting to enter the workforce and really becoming a part of society, and I know that this generation as a whole is more liberal than the last. Even the young moderates are more liberal than the older moderates, I'd guess.