Originally Posted by skada
Well it confirms that tolerance is zero in Islamic community. The way it impliments depends upon lot on society. Iran especially is quite economically ahead than many Islamic countries (and is Shia majority)
And their social structure is more like Turkey. Even hijab is not that mandatory.
No, it confirms that the Iranian government is having growing pains. It's a strong government that is still very religious, possibly one of the last theocracies. When it eventually changes over to a democracy-esque system, and it will assuming it isn't destroyed by the west, these types of things will continue to be less common.
What one should be paying attention to, though, is that there are
protestors in
Iran. Tehran is a hotbed for protest and forward thinking. Many may not be aware of it, but there are tons of underground clubs in Tehran, drinking and drug use. These kids, though, will be adults soon. These liberal Muslim kids will be running Iran.