Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Exactly which culture, lifestyle and morals are you talking about? The thing about the US is that it reinvents itself every 20-40 years. Should we encourage all new imigrants to join the Klan? That's part of the culture, lifestyle and morals of the US. How about if we encourage them to riot when a jury finds someone not guilty that they think is? That's part of the culture, lifestyle and morals too. How about if they import tons of cocaine and get in gun battles with the police? Or join the Temperance Union?
Oh wait, you meant YOUR culture, lifestyle and morals, which I suppose would include a rejection of monogamy and toeing the Republican line. Does that mean that I have to leave too?
And in the interests of "fair and balanced":
Christians and Muslims both have their fair share of sick fucks.
Hmmm, I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with the angle of your post. Yes, there are sick, useless fucks from every race, culture and religion. There are also wonderful and amazing people form every race, culture and religion. However, there are certain stereotypical behaviors that are, as I always say, stereotypes for a reason. Are there Muslim men who do not disallow their wives from leaving the house in a halter top and mini skirt? Sure there are. Unfortunately for those individuals, the majority of the people that share their belief system would sooner stone their wives than not for such an infraction. Where are most Muslims? The Middle East and northern Africa. Where is the largest amount of strife in the world? Oh, those same two regions. Now, I'm one to usually preach correlation != causation, so let's look into it more deeply. Those regions of the world also have the highest and most regular rates of genocide, illiteracy, warlordism (I hate Bush too, but it's not quite the same), gender-related crimes and mistreatment and hate-related crimes against others of the same base religion (Islam) as well as others of slightly varying ethnicity.
You wanna talk about the Klan? Long before American plantation owners enslaved black African natives, long before Islam or even Christianity were religions, people of that particular region of the world were far more full of hate than even the biggest douchebag American racist. Enslaving ENTIRE population or committing outright mass genocide against other tribes of the same race. Oh, and it still happens today.
So, moving forward with my above post, it's probably not Islam that is at the root. It's the cultures in which Islam proliferates. Many of them have not changed much for so many generations it's not comprehensible to most Westerners. Again, using the Pashtuns as an example, there are blood feuds that are HUNDREDS of years old. A man who killed another man in 1607 can still cause bloodshed today, right this very minute, in the name of family honor.
Look at Somalia. While the ARPCT seems to be at least somewhat sane, they are fighting other tribes of their own people, The Islamic Courts Union, who want to instill Sharia law in the country, going all burkha and disallowing things like movies and music and dancing. Did America have a civil war? Sure... but it's hard to draw many similarities to the Somalian Civil War or to the ongoing conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslims in Iraq. There is, in fact, a differing of beliefs between two groups of people from the same region. That's the definition of civil war. Beyond that, the similarities stop. Aside from a rather few incidents, the American Civil War left civilians alone. Or at least it can be said that civilians were not specifically targeted to try to gain support of other civilians using fear and terror as motivators. I'd say that's a rather vast cultural difference. But it happens in Muslim-heavy areas of the world frequently and has for much of history. Again, it happens in Western cultures (the Nazis are the most obvious example) but with far less frequency.
I guess my point is that, in my eyes, from my experience, reading and learning, I am forced to believe that people from regions of the world where Islam proliferates are anti-progress and violently adherent to beliefs they do not fully understand with far greater regularity than people from regions outside of those areas.
Are all Muslims bad people in my eyes? No! But enough of them are, from my first hand experience, to not particularly want those cultures to "blend" with my own. I don't feel this way about Hindus or Jews or Atheists or Agnostics or believers in the Norse Pantheon or other fringe religions. *shrug* And frankly, aside form Judaism, Islam is closest to my own belief system (vaguely Christian) as it is an Abrahamic religion. It's just gone terribly awry.