How do news posts in a web page work?
I'm wanting to make myself a web page/site where I can post new things on. Much like a blog. Bloggers can post their new bits of information or thoughts or whatever and it shows up, with newest post at the top of the page.
How does this work?
I've done some reading and seen things about PHP and MySQL and I kind of can understand it but not really.
Do people use a web based application to make their new post, and then upon hitting submit, the application develops an Entirely new page that includes new entries on this page?
I don't think the above would be how they do it, because then how would they be able to set up preferences like "show only 10 posts." A server couldn't possibly be able to provide that many new pages for each user viewing.
Is there some sort of module based thing going on?
I'm not doing very well at posting this question.
This is what I want: I want to design my page, have it exactly like I want it, images here, a links section there, but readily available for new posts.
What is it that enters in these new posts on the web pages? This is my guess as to what happens, maybe you guys can help me fill in the blanks.
A PHP based web form that will 1) write the entry to a MySQL (or other) database, 2) edits the current web page by adding a previously created template of code which adds the appropriate entries for a news post.
Now, I think I have that part basically right. What I don't understand though is how someone specifies what part of the single page gets updated. Most blogs that I view are one individual page no frames, they are composed of one Large table containing multiple tables for each column within, one table for nav, one table for links, and a table for content. In that content table is all their posts. What specifies that I want to add "this code" to "this part"?
I'm really wanting to learn how to set this up, but I don't have anyone really to teach me (or push me in the right direction) that I can talk to face to face. I'm willing to put work into understanding this, I just don't know where to look. That might be an oxymoron, but I figured maybe you all could help point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot..