We have indirect evidence of electrons- without human interaction. Watch a bolt of lightning. Look at the work of Millikan or Cherenkov. God has a bunch of books he entitled man to write. There is no chance the messages were manipulated, regardless the length of time the works of the Bible span. I do not need a tantamount of evidence, just something that I can see.
these standards must necessarily based on circular logic- you essentially justify the accuracy of your observations by assuming the accuracy of your ability to observe
If you see a car driving towards you, do you question your accuracy to observe it? After you jump out of the way, you just can't be sure your observation was right that the car was coming right at yeah... We make observations and we can recreate similar observations given similar conditions. That is circular?
Why mention that fluid dynamics can't be applied to Bose-Einstein condensates? You are superfreezing gases to the point where particles no longer exhibit individuality anymore. What about having more than one model makes it all wrong or that nobody knows a damned thing? Do you trust your doctor when he prescribes you medicine? God forbid you actually need surgery! People rooting around in you and they don't have a fucking clue how the nitty-gritty stuff about the body works.
that any of these models could be used to predict the conditions of a universe with different governing laws
When did I claim that these laws work in another universe with a different set of rules?
I am done arguing this. Facts can be observed. A fact cannot be stated, but they can be described as accurately as possible.