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Old 12-10-2007, 10:36 AM   #604 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Originally Posted by ays
Ok, I'm not entirely sure where you going, but I'll try to respond. The reason I said things were purely speculative is because humanly observation is only that, observation. It's when people say science is exact, and FACT, that it starts to get distorted like anything else. This is that, so that must be this. It looks good, and seems logical, but observation is only surface level.
We hit this topic starting here. We all ready discussed how observations, while speculation, are not the same as faith in something that is unproven, and may very well be unprovable. I should have been more clear when making this reference.

Originally Posted by ays
and I have no idea where or who said the earth was 4000 years old. Time is man made. The only time is right now. It's no more rediculous than some scientist throwing some chemicals on some rocks and saying the world is 8 billion years old.
Again it comes back to observations we make and applying them to the big picture.

I KNOW YOU ARE NOT SAYING THIS BUT I STATE IT TO PROVE A POINT. Which has fewer unproven observations? (A)The universe was came to be roughly (what is the current estimate after applying inflation?) 12-billion-years ago and the Earth formed roughly 4.5-billion-years ago. Using all observations we make on the universe and the rate of decay of certain elements we can show that these objects are roughly this old. (B) God made the universe and everything "How long ago does the Bible say?" and that all this evidence in fossil records are tricks of the Devil (I have met Baptists that argued me with this, and I was honestly terrified).

Yes interpretation of the Bible... were they actual days or eras, because how is a timeless being supposed to understand time like us?

Originally Posted by ays
According to science the universe is constantly expanding and always changing. Wouldn't it make sense then, that carbon was probably different 5,000 years ago?
If by different you mean it was a different unstable isotope that somehow decayed to C<sup>12</sup>, then yes. But no, the universe would not allow for the physics that exist now to be different at any other point in time when matter has existed. Even the minutest change in the speed of light (what would that do?) would cause electrons to either crash into the nucleus of the atom or hurl themselves away from the nucleus - either a universe of neutrons or no molecules in the universe. Basis.

Originally Posted by ays
For one thing, it's quite possible that global warming can be linked to skin cancer so it's not ludicris to talk about it. If everytime we had a discussion we kept every topic seperate then we wouldn't accomplish much would we? And I didn't say the toxins is the only reason we get skin cancer. I believe EVERYTHING is relative, and all in the same. Is it not science that what you eat affects your body and your skin? Is it not science that ozone layer is depleting? Than put the two together! I'm sure they have something to do with it! I'm not saying it's the answer, but you can't just discredit the possibility.
You are right, it is not ludicrous to discuss this topic, just not here. I personally think we should do all we can to prevent harm to the environment. Unfortunately /grits teeth/ there is not enough evidence for you to make claims that it is man's fault that the environment looks like hell... yeah right...

Originally Posted by ays
Oh believe me, I am a seeker of truth above all else my friend. Even when I was a hopeless, rebellious, lost and confused atheist at the age of 12, I was still a seeker of the Truth. You see, there can only be ONE truth. It's not just a set of books that I use as reference. I look at all life. Yes, the Holy Bible is a HUUUUUUUUGE priceless resource that I refer to often, but I also practice buddhist principals, tai chi, yoga, and learn from scientific research as well.
I acknowledge the evidence that "supports" the bible, keep reading after that post I linked. Like all things, I have seen corruption of messages and people misunderstanding the truth, I apply that exact same skepticism when it comes to books that were written so long ago that anything could have been changed in them to suit whatever purpose others intended.

Originally Posted by ays
What it comes down to, is if life was created, then everything would have infinite meaning. Look deep for the meaning! The more I search for the meaning of things, and try to find the truth, the more and more God becomes visible to me.
Oh something becomes visible to me... but it isn't a loving and caring God. The more I look out into the universe and marvel at the beauty coupled with the ferocity... It looks more like a kid with magnifying glass and an ant farm.

Originally Posted by ays
And you're absolutely right! It is your own journey. Everybody is on their own journey. God to me can mean something completely different to you. But I feel like it would be foolish to assume the Bible is a certain way, and not try to find some meaning in it. You have 66 different books, written by 40+ authors over a 1400+ year span. That's an incredible resource, and we're not talking just any books or authors. You have King Solomon who is the wealthiest and wisest king of all time! This guy had 300 wives and 600 concubines and all the wealth and power you could ever dream of! His story is available to us. You also have moses, and Noah, the 12 disciples who walked with the incarnation, God in the flesh! Even if the big bang theory were true, and God didn't exist, and this was all random, the FACT that the Bible exists would be an absolute MIRACLE - 1 in a yadda-yadda-yadda chance of it all coming together.

A seeker of Truth will seek everywhere, and dig deep no matter what it is, because Truth can be found anywhere.
You sound exactly like the kindly chap selling bibles to me buts likes a good philosophical discussion over a cup of tea. The more and more I search, the more and more I interpret what I find and what I feel... You and I obviously find different meanings. And you can call me wrong and I won't care, nor will I change my understanding - UNTIL I find the proof that changes me.
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