Originally Posted by ritzy
that sounds like a fair enough system, i cant wait to qualify 
Don't worry. I ran a background check on the RR refugees who have come over to TFP, and you guys seem like an OK bunch, except for that guy who put the effort into getting banned on his first day. We love having new people to stir up the pot a bit, and they shouldn't be afraid to jump right in, bump old threads, and even debate established
The only disadvantage of being new here is that people aren't familiar with your attitudes toward the subjects at hand so we won't know if you're being sarcastic, facetious, devil's advocate, or whatever. Sure, there are a few cliques here, but a lot of that is based on the fact that those people know each other in real life or are e-friends off the board; don't think that people will gang up on you or think less of you just because you're not part of the "in" crowd (hint: ther is no "in" crowd.)
My advice to rookies: Don't let advancement into the upper echelon be your goal, see it as a benefit of being a valuable member of TFP. Keep it in the back of your mind when you post that building a solid reputation is what will contribute to your advancement. Just be yourself and follow the rules, and you'll be fine.