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Old 12-09-2007, 08:49 AM   #49 (permalink)
I detest this guy but i force myself to listen to his radio show during my commute from work. This is a recurrent theme of his. It will come off as partisan, it's unavoidable....but much of halx's description of deficient attitude and behavior seems to be about intolerance and lack of empathy.

Could conservatism, circa 2007, a "movement" grown astoundingly out of proportion to what I, as a high school student observing the "Woodstock weekend" that took place in August, 1969, could ever have imagined emerging, and growing, just ten years later, be a culprit?

It is acceptable to be openly negative towards gays and just about anything else that is not affluent white protestant in America. Forgive me, but the Ron Paul "movement" seems to be the rallying point for the more political of the older range of the young men and boys you've described, halx.

I do conceed, though, that boys have become more feminized, less able to enjoy a "Tom Sawyer" boyhood. A sign was when their toy guns were mandated to have orange highlights. Suburban development cleared and built on the woods boys used to role play in. They went inside, permanently, and played video games, instead. I see lifeless suburban cul de sacs in my environment, no kids out riding their bikes, playing basketball, or drawing hopskotch squares in the driveway with chalk.


....And the truth is that men and women are profoundly different.

One of these differences is that women generally have a more difficult time transcending their emotions than men. There are, of course, millions of individual women—such as Margaret Thatcher—who are far more rational than many men; but that only makes these women’s achievements all the more admirable. It hardly invalidates the proposition.

Far more common than Margaret Thatcher’s rationality was the emotionality of the women jurors in the Menendez brothers’ trials. All six women jurors in the Erik Menendez trial voted to acquit him of the murder of his father (all six males voted guilty of murder). A virtually identical breakdown by sex took place in the Lyle Menendez trial for the murder of their mother. The women all had compassion for the brothers despite their confessions to the shotgun murders of their parents.''

To say that the human race needs masculine and feminine characteristics is to state the obvious. But each sex comes with prices. Men can too easily lack compassion, reduce sex to animal behavior and become violent. And women’s emotionality, when unchecked, can wreak havoc on those closest to these women and on society as a whole—when emotions and compassion dominate in making public policy.

The latter is what is happening in America. The Left has been successful in supplanting masculine virtues with feminine ones. That is why “compassion” is probably the most frequently cited value. That is why the further left you go, the greater the antipathy to those who make war.
[...]In the micro realm, the feminine virtues are invaluable—for example, women hear infants’ cries far more readily than men do. But as a basis for governance of society, the feminization of public policy is suicidal.''

...That is one reason our schools are in trouble. They are increasingly run by women — women with female thinking moreover. Such thinking leads to papers no longer being graded with a red pencil lest students’ feelings be hurt; to self-esteem supplanting self-discipline as a value; to banning games such as dodge ball in which participants’ feelings may get hurt; to discouraging male competition; to banning peanut butter because two out of a thousand students are highly allergic to peanuts.”...
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