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Old 12-08-2007, 01:52 PM   #186 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
This is great news!! I have always believed that Iran was developing nuclear weapons.

I couldn't care less who was wrong who was right. The petty bickering on this board is ridiculous. We're all winners here right? If you didn't think Iran was developing nukes then yay, you are apparently correct this time. Doesn't mean they aren't trying to or planning on it. If you thought they were, then yay, you win too, because ultimately, if you were concerned that they were developing nukes, then you should be happy to find our that they aren't or at the very least, not as far along as once thought. Sounds like a win-win to me. But my guess is that a few posters here simply can't let go of the whole "I-have-to-be-right-and-argue-endlessly-and-needlessly-and tell-everyone-how-smart-I-am-and-how-I am-perfect-or-how-other-posters are-boring-and-uninteresting-or-don't-contain-enough-links-and-proof-blah blah-fucking-blah"

But if this latest report is accurate, then we still have sufficient time to deter them from doing so. My main concern was that their research had hit the point of no return. So as long as they allow IAEA or UN monitors and inspections, then their shouldn't be too much alarm. Some monitoring would still be prudent especially as long as hardliners like Ahdeminijad and and the Ayatollahs are in control. But yes, I am happy to see this report and can only wonder why we didn't see it sooner.

Keith Olberman is a sports analyst. He was a pretty bad one too, I really felt sorry for Dan Patrick. Why anyone would listen to his politics is beyond me.
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