Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I do not need to know the whole history of MMA to know that striking a fallen opponent is abhorent to me, and the general public.
I do not need to quote Pay For View figures to state that no hooligan who is celebrated in a "sport" - which allows a cowardly attack on an opponent who had been put down - will ever gain the respect of the people.
Quit talking for the public and the people, two things you know nothing about, people respect MMA fighters, striking a downed opponent is abhorrent to you, the public enjoys it judging by the amount of money MMA shows make, you are speaking for yourself and no one else.
Hooligans? You keep insulting things you are clueless about, just because you are clueless and ignorant about a sport is no need to insult the people who dedicate their lives to training and participating in their chosen sport, don't insult a sport you don't have the balls to try yourself.
Go watch you 'sweet science' and 'fight like a 'proper English gentleman', but don't belittle a sport you're ignorant about.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
.....he is simply the last man standing rom the most recent brawl.
That's what any champion is, they generally don't give titles to the pussy who gets dropped in the first round, doesn't matter the sport, MMA or boxing, the champ is the last man standing.