Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Yes. boxing if a martial art.
And for all of the stuff you read about one inch punches and so on... the most efficient and hardest strike known is a overhand punch.
Calling Sugar Ray the greatest is of course subjective. And it is also relative. In a Karate fight, Bruce Lee would have wiped the floor with him, but if all things were equalised... Sugar Ray was the greatest fighter (although not the greatest boxer in my opinion - that is Jack Johnson) that has lived in recent history.
If Bruce Lee and Sugar Ray had the same training, Sugar Ray would have whipped him. If they had both been raised as boxers, Bruce Lee couldnt have come close to him. If they had both been raised as Karate fighters, Sugar Ray would have been the greatest karate fighter the world has ever known.
And this, of course, is my subjective opinion.
I say that Sugar Ray was the greatest fighter ever, but not the greatest boxer - because I believe that he had more versatility. Jack Johnson had a cleverness and skill that was suited to boxing. He was not really a warrior and did not have a real killer instinct, and wouldnt have been AS good in a more "no holds barred" martial art - but within the sweet science, there was no one close to the domination he held within his era... he was literally almost impossible to hit in a boxing ring.
As for your Roycie Gracie's... again it is all subjective. If he and a 22 year old Mike Tyson went into a cellar, I know who I would bet my house on coming back out on his feet. Every one else can only make their judgment.
Strange, your debating tactics remind me of those of George W. Bush. Your flaws in logic and reality have repeatedly been laid out for you, in great detail, and you simply keep plodding on, determined to "stay the course."
This entire thread appears to be about you, Strange, having a chip on your shoulder. You keep insulting MMA and, by association, those who practice or follow it closely. Which is the only reason anyone keeps responding. Because we can't fathom what your problem is. It is absolutely preposterous, the things you've said in this thread.
It is absolutely clear to me that you are not educated enough on the subject matter of this thread to even be a part of it. Your ignorance on the matter of MMA is vast, making your statements all the more offensive. You come off as pompous and demeaning, as do most people who argue their points without having done their research.
MMA has fighters just as wicked and ferocious as Mike Tyson in his prime. MMA is just so much more challenging than boxing that one single fighter doesn't stand out like tyson did. There aren't a bunch of shitty fighters for someone like a Tyson to just plow through in MMA. And, now, since the tv coverage is growing at such an alarming rate, even you, Strange, will begin to hear of them.
But never mind. Keep beating on that ignorance drum of yours. Your very own little one man band.