Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I never lived there. My dad moved there from Atlanta when he married my stepmom back in the late '80s. I was already grown and on my own.
I remember the Big Chicken...but I couldn't tell you how far they lived from there. It's been years since I've been back there (they moved to Florida around 1992 or so). They lived in a subdivision that seemed to be in a newly developed area of town...at that time. But every time I visited there they would take me to breakfast at this great little mom and pop kind of restaurant. Unfortunately I can't think of the name. It was always packed.
I think I know which restaurant you're talking about..
The Marietta Diner. Open 24 hrs a day, best food, huge cakes and always great. I remember the place when it just opened and I was a kid. It moved three times, and is on it's fourth expansion down the street from the Big Chicken.
Sorry for the late response lol.
I'm in the middle of cooking up 6.5 pounds of boiled peanuts that I bought while in town for my Grampas Funeral.