Originally Posted by TotalMILF
And it's TIM BURTON, for goodness' sake! He is one dark motherfucker. Do you honestly think he'd even WANT to stay close to Sondheim's adaptation of the story!?
I'm guessing yes, since Sondheim had a fair amount of input in the movie

Originally Posted by xepherys
I'm a bit appauled that people are trying to make comparisons between musicals and movies based on musicals. Film and stage are two utterly different outlets of expression, and neither really can properly reflect the feeling from the other. I mean, really?
I thought the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was an amazing success. The original movie strayed so far from the book that it was virtually a different story. The feeling form the original movie with Wilder just never clicked with me. It appears I'm in the minority, but I loved the remake and cannot stand the classic.
I can't help but find it amusing that you're upset there are people comparing the Sweeney Todd movie to the stage production, then explain that one of the reasons Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was better is because it was more like the book
Anyway, most of the people in this thread aren't saying anything particularly bad about the movie. Some reservations have been expressed, but even there no one is asserting that anything will certainly be bad. We're simply saying (OK,
I'm simply saying, but I think many here agree) that the changes are interesting and in some cases we're not sure if the change is for the better. That's no different than saying the first Willy Wonka movie wasn't as good because of deviations it made from its source material.