The recent thread asking for a defense of rap music gave me the idea for this thread: the question was essentially, can rap music be justified
musically, the main argument being that it was largely devoid of musicality.
Well, I think long and hard about this kind of stuff, because a filthy filthy music geek, and that sort of shit turns me on.
My conclusion so far is this: there's two types of music
consumption. The first is music you listen to in order to appreciate it. The second you listen to in order to thrash around and have a good time.
Type I: Musicians and what I call music
appreciators (those who have a complex and mature taste in music but don't necessarily make it themselves) do this. Something for those who really know music, and care about music, Type I music
can but doesn't usually attract Type II listers. The music is complex and rich, deep, and well, highly musical. For me this is Pink Floyd, Radiohead and so on.
Type II: Music doesn't have to be richly musical to be enjoyed. If one goes out clubbing, any cheap-ass house music will get you going. You can dance to any commercial trash with a keen partner. Even Type I music consumers indulge a little. It's not great music. Sometimes its not even good music. But its there to serve a purpose (to get on down, usually). For me these are acts like Limp Bizkit, Powerman 5000, etc.
Whether its some hollow rock n' roll where the songs are generic, the lyrics are meaningless,
but somehow its inexplicably just kinda fun to listen to, or some new-school throwaway hip-hop artist spitting out pseudoenglish to a music-devoid drum loop
but still churning up the dancefloor, the attraction of Type II stuff is obvious. Don't you sometimes watch Arnie movies for the explosions? No-one would confuse
True Lies with groundbreaking cinema, but the audience in undeniably there.
Occasionally I find the odd act that transcends these spaces, where the music is somehow both meaningful musically and a cheap thrill at the same time. These are usually silly but relatively unique bands like Electric Six or MSI. Mr Bungle probably goes in there as well. Also predictable but meaningful stuff like Jonathan Coulton. I don't know if these are their own category or not, but they usually earn themselves profound listening time on my playlist