Originally Posted by Fotzlid
ok. here is a theoretical scenario.
someone has started rampage shooting in the mall. several people with concealed weapons draw and start looking for the shooter.
people running everywhere. one of the several comes around a corner and sees what they think is a gun and blasts away.
what happens if one of them accidently shoots someone other than the rampaging shooter?
cops accidently shoot people they mistakenly thought were carrying guns.
theoretical, hypothetical, it's all thetical.
One of the things I've noticed is the disparaging difference between those that practice with guns and those that don't. Those who practice tend not to be kneejerky and impulsively reckless while those who don't, think everyone else can be no other way.
Here is how I see your hypothetical...
three or four people in the mall are carrying. gunfire erupts from the balcony overlooking the food court. As everyone else flees for the doors, three of the four carrying start moving quicly but cautiously towards the gunfire. The fourth person was down in the food court and is now behind the cover of the center pillar of the food court because he did NOT panic and bolt for the door, instead finding the nearest impenatrable object to place between him and the shooter.
Of the other three, two turn a corner and sight each other, carrying a gun in their hands, and stop momentarily facing each other preparing to shoot, if necessary. Upon STILL hearing gunfire from the food court area, they are quick to figure out that neither of them are the assault weapon bearing insane murdering rampager, and continue on toward the food court working in tandem to cover each other. This part can happen easily, mainly because we're wild west wannabe sherrifs looking to be the big heroes and have thought of nothing but killing bad guys since we got our concealed weapons permits. The third person carrying comes around a different corner and realizes that the shooting is coming from the balcony overhead. realizing that there is no way he can make it to the shooter, satisfies his heroic urges by waving the dumb panicky human animals past him as he gallantly covers their collective cowardly asses. The two guys on the second floor look out from behind separate columns to see the murderous crazy dude gleefully laughing as he sprays a lead curtain of death down upon the fleeing customers from the food court and each fires three times, two to the body and one to the head. no wait, got that wrong. In their zeal to be the saviors of the day, they empty two magazines of 9mm randomly through the mall areas killing more innocent bystanders than the insane rampaging murderer was able to do with his fully automatic military style assault weapon that he would not have been able to obtain, had the evil republicans not let the 94 AWB lapse.
It's at that time, about 6 minutes after the first 911 call to the police, that the local police enter the food court area, see four armed men with handguns, and expertly snipe their brains through the backs of their heads while the real murdering crazy says 'oh shit, coppers' and eats the flaming barrel of his street corner bought machine gun.