Originally Posted by roachboy
either way, i am not sure i see the difference between these fantasies of vigilante action and the motives of the shooter in omaha.
I don't arm myself in the hope that I will be able to kill someone if necessary, I arm myself in the hope that if I am in a tragic situation, that I can save lives.
Originally Posted by Leto
What is the proper reaction for those who were targeted? Or is there nothing that they could have done? keep in mind the context, that these are average people shopping in a mall.
The ideal reaction is the preservation instinct. If you are in no position to stop the attack, get yourself and as many others as possible to safe locations. In the unlikely situation that you are properly equipped to deal with an armed threat and located where it is possible to do so, it would be proper to attempt to stop the threat.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
PC run amok! It doesn't bother me what you think. I'm not gonna' apologize considering white men and women constitute over 90% of suicides as well as the vast majority of public shootings.
It's not PC run amok. You made an inflammatory statement with the intent of producing a negative reaction. You also seem to have defined "public shootings" to suit your view; the unfortunate circumstance is that young black males are the predominant perpetrators and victims of gun violence in the US. I'd hate to think of how I'd be treated if I dismissed Philadelphia's homicide rate as "black folk being black folk."
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
With that being said, you can say/think whatever you want about my initial statement-- It's not as if you disagreeing with it makes it any less valid  You, as a caucassion, are statistically more likely to 1.) Commit suicide and 2.) Go on an unabated rampage (If you wanna' call it that) before committing suicide than I am. I fully well expected someone to try to jump on my case, which is why I initially said to spare me the grief I was undoubtedly going to get. It's amazing how bent-out-of-shape some people can get because of statements they don't necessarily like.
I'm more likely to commit suicide and go on a rampage, and you're more likely to throw your life away in a gang or die of a crack overdose. This can go on and on. Let's make this about the bad side of human nature, not the way in which the bad apples particular demographic groups go about indiscriminately bailing water out of the gene pool.
Originally Posted by willravel
There are three reasons for a civilian to have an ak47: small penis, wanting to fight the government, or wanting to go on an insane rampage. Cept Crompsin. He's the exception.
Good thing I have an AK-74, I don't want that kind of judgment made about my penis.