Originally Posted by Ustwo
You know loser, as a white male my chances of getting murdered are less than a lot of European countries, yet, the US has a higher murder rate per capita. Its pretty easy to fill in those blanks. We really don't need to go there and you are just trolling. Its tiresome because people aren't even bothering to respond. They have become desensitized to your blathering.
You want to mention that blacks constitute a little over 50% of all homicides in the United States (Most due to gang related violence)? Go right on ahead. Since it's a true statistic, I can't really take offense to that statement because I might not like, now can I? No, I can't (Not that I would anyway). What's true is true.
With that being said, you can say/think whatever you want about my initial statement-- It's not as if you disagreeing with it makes it any less valid

You, as a caucassion, are statistically more likely to 1.) Commit suicide and 2.) Go on an unabated rampage (If you wanna' call it that) before committing suicide than I am. I fully well expected someone to try to jump on my case, which is why I initially said to spare me the grief I was undoubtedly going to get. It's amazing how bent-out-of-shape some people can get because of statements they don't necessarily like.