Originally Posted by Fotzlid
the only trend i see with these types of shootings is the increasing power of the weapon of choice. no more .38s or 9mm. they all seem to be using AK's and TEC's.
The guy used an SKS.
No, seriously... the weapon issue? It doesn't really matter. The body count from a handgun vs. an "assault rifle" vs. whatever you pick isn't going to fluctuate all that much considering the total amateurs who wield them and the bovine-like reaction of those who are getting slaughtered.
Columbine? VT? This crap? Way different weapons. Same effect.
I'd suggest letting more lawful citizens legally carry firearms. It would have taken any average joe two shots to end that... could have saved a lot of lives.
TEC? I assume you are referring to the Intratec TEC-9 series 9mm semi-automatic pistol. The thing is a big piece of junk at best and to top it all off? You'd really have to dig to find one local these days. They're rare thanks to all sorts of legislation that picked on the manufacturer specifically.
Statistically? The only criminals that use the Tec-9 are the ones you see on the idiot-box.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Can't say I really care. Just more of white folk being white folk (Yeah yeah... Save me the grief that I will undoubtedly get when someone decides to quote me).
*cranks some 50 Cent*
The race card isn't even funny, dude.