My uncle has his master's in environmental engineering. It allows him to teach engineering classes at a local university, which he really enjoys, though he got a job a couple of years ago working for the state that doesn't allow him the free time to teach as much as he would like. Having his Master's from the outset put him in a higher salary range, and he didn't have to take time off later to go back and get his Master's.
My SO's father is an electrical engineer for a major computer manufacturer. They want him to go back and work on his Master's, but the problem is that he has no time to go get his degree. He works 60+ hours a week. We have a very competent university in this town with well-rated EE programs, yet that isn't the issue--he just does not have any time, at all, to take a class. At some point, the company is going to have to cut him some slack and let him have time to go back to school, but that's highly unlikely.
If you leave school now, go off and get a good job, and start having a family, consider the fact that once you have a wife and children it will be hard to go back to school. Furthermore, a job might eat up so much of your time you might find it impossible to go back later.
You can go back later, but it's harder to do than you might think.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau