Originally Posted by sprocket
Yea, that would be an impossible sell... but I have never heard him advocate actually cutting off current beneficiaries of social programs that people have paid into with their tax dollars. Unfortunately, his positions are such that its easy for opponents to mischaracterize them, in that way. But I've never seen where he actually proposed to cut people off from the social programs like medicare and social security.
Have I mischaracterized his position on medicare? Its right from the
Republican Liberty Caucus position statement adopted in 2000 that Ron Paul endorsed.
It also calls for abolishing the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, he National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.....all on Constitutional grounds, yet all are presently Constitutional.
Or why not share the more recent (2004) Republican Liberty Caucus policy statement as the centerpiece of his campaign, along with the war issue, if he believes in it.
Republican Liberty Caucus- see "RLC Position Statement" (word doc)
...perhaps because it is so draconian, it would freak many (most?) people out if it were more widely known?